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Supporting the Leicester MusicFest

Aug 26

1 min read




The Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons Charity (LRFC) proudly supports the Leicester MusicFest. In June of 2024, Jonathan Varley from the Prince Rupert Lodge No.7841 represented the LRFC and the Charity Office of the Royal Arch Freemasons at an event held at Tudor Grange Samworth Academy.

Above: Musical Creation at the Leicester MusicFest

The LRFC has funded their first Forest Gamelan outdoor music classroom, which is now fully installed and regularly used by the pupils, greatly enhancing their outdoor learning. 

Jonathan witnessed the Forest Gamelan project in action. With funds left in a restricted legacy for music, the LRFC has been able to develop its connections with a second school adopting the Forest Gamelan project.

Read more about the Forest Gamelan project by visiting their website (click here)


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