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‘Operation Zephyr 2024 - Task Force Sirocco’

Aug 26

1 min read




Josh Symonds and Andrew Parkinson of Beacon Lodge No.5208 in Loughborough are off on a mission with the Emergency Services Aid Charity (ESAC) which is a voluntary and non-funded organisation.

Their mission, as part of a National UK team, is to deliver essential and much-needed emergency response vehicles and equipment to The Gambia in West Africa. The operation involves 25 emergency vehicles and 83 volunteers driving through Europe, down the West Coast of Africa to The Gambia. The team of emergency service volunteers are drawn from the NHS, Police, Fire Service and Military. Josh and Andrew plan to depart the UK on 12th September as part of the challenge.

As volunteers, Josh and Andy are looking to raise £3000 each for the charity. Beacon Lodge has given its support already and these intrepid ‘get up and go’ volunteers would welcome any further support you might like to offer! 

Learn more about Operation Zephyr here.

You can support Josh and Andy by clicking the link on their names.


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